Friday, December 17, 2010

poems submited, acceptence pending for Susan Ingersolls poetry writting class

1. The Fair Evening Guest

The rivers flowing gently,
A soft Blue
Streaming ripples ride.

Pastel trees green
Sooth you,
Hearing, by its side,

The breeze that’s calmly
Laughter lifters rise

From the kids that talk
In billow tents
By the river wide.

So thank you and good evening
River Lullabies.

“Your welcome” ripples lap
The shoreline, drifting sweet goodbyes.

2. The Geologists Ode

We perch on a rocky blade
And watch limestone mammoths
Thrust mighty verse,
Deformed and enormous.

Ravens ride the channels and loft,
Pirouetting with the wind,
Two thousand meters above
The green basin of our beginning.

We saw this mountain,
Who’s unified hues,
Ridgeline and summit
Looked small. But now,

Its dimensions have lengthened
Immensely! How astounding
Its mass has compounded!
Speaking of scale

Perception is upended
When its presence
Is mounted.

3. Teacher

When the mountain moves your state to tears
            He has released you
When the river writes your schedule
            She has freed you
When charging horses stop your thoughts
            They bring peace upon you
When the situation takes control
            That’s the teacher

No more thinking on the side
            Thoughts thought about thoughts
Do not always provide
The power of the moment
            Is where the teacher
            And the lessons lie

4. Incomplete Theory

A good goal is to make people smile
For all the while that they smile
They will have a glowing glow within

Yet what makes a smile
Creates a smile
Sustains this power,

To turn sweet from sour
Minutes from hours

Rags into gowns
And reform foul frowns?

A smile is cast by a laugh
And a laugh by a joke
So know we know
That this power we hold

But use prudence when pulling
This tool from your quiver
Because laughter at the surface
Can hide truth in the core

It’s the type of the joke
You must carefully choose
And propel yourself towards
Infinite joy

A pure joke
Will make no one cry

An open joke
Will draw no blinders

Because group joy is not found
On the exclusion of one
Losing a member
Takes the love out of fun

So let them be true
And let your jokes
Paint a grin on the moon

Consider connections
Facilitate realization

Homonyms hopefully
Help making happiness
‘There is a whole in the universe
A whole lot of wonderful’

Rhyming words to
Can click the connection
‘Horses: Hoofs, Oats.
They make Election officials
They know who votes

Pasta salad
Popular because
People proclaim
Pass da salad please’

Good jokes do not hurt
And I hope that you see
You can stand tall now soldier
And go forth promoting peace.

5. Medicine Wheel

Eastward. The morning sun
Burns off your doubts.
It lifts fog from your waters.

You See. The hand in the pool
Shares volition with yours. Soothingly it scoops
And sends ripples.

Have no fear. Inspirations
Can only awaken if you choose
To embrace them.

6. Fire

Fire you are warm
Fire you don’t judge
Truth in form
Fire you are my friend

Melt away all loneliness
A tune for all accompaniments
Fire is our friend

7. Banff

Setting an old soul free there’s a new tree.
I sit in memorandum upon
The innocent grass.

A gravestone stands chiseled,
By intending hands and thoughts,
And known by lichen.

Mushrooms grown
And birds white bones
Speak that all times pass.

A leaf Appears
To appear from nothing
To disintegrate again,

I’ve learned it’s a changing
Of molecular arrangements
But it identity it seems
Is now an apparition.

Rivers always flow
But in something
They must be housed.

8. Weather Games

High above the Yahatinda
There’s a cradle
On the side of a giant

A place where sheer and monstrous rocks
Curve gently to hold grass
Around the rime of pool

And beneath this juggernaut cathedral
Upon the gentle meadow
We have pitched our tents

Here begins a summer squall
Where, as water falls to
Bounce of the mountain walls,

Staying sane necessitates
A love for weather games
What are weather games?

Well my friend until the end
Weather will not stop
And adapting to its changing ways
Is how you play weather games

Your tent should be set
So your sleep won’t get wet
And a tarp is the best
That the wind will not get

And a good jacket does matter
To away the rain splatter
And creating some shade
Averts the heat wave

Bunk in the trees
When the wind starts to seethe
And find safer ground
When thunder does sound

Get prepared
Then enjoy

As all wise players see
Only acceptance brings peace
Bring some joy into your life
We, weather, don’t cease

Dance with us
Wind rain and heat
You’ll only lose comfort
If you step on our feet

We’ll challenge you
We’ll shake your soul
We bring your senses
And wit to life, Hold on

Because though we don’t end
We do change

And come morning calm
Or sweet drying sun
We assure you giving comfort
That these games are in fun

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