Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Grain of Rice

    Hello World! I am here to write a delicious blog for you all. It is a reflection upon my personal feelings. You see, I have read a book, and thanks to my decoding skills and my ability to understand language, the book I read had an impact upon me. I basically broke the code of the alphabet and the English lexicon, and using the meaning it symbolized combined with my previous knowledge of the world, I interpreted meaning from the book.

    What kind of meaning you may ask? Well, the story was one of character, it showed the integrity, perseverance, humility and intelligence of a young man. Lo, how I wish I could emblazen those attributes across my own soul's being.

    The boy was in love, and the apex of his goals was to gain, fairly, a princesses hand in marriage. Now, while I do want to get married someday, I feel like I connected to the story by more then just that one goal. You see, as the boy pursued his goal, there was something special about his characteristics, his personality.

    I hope that as I pursue my goals in life I to can have a strong and noble personality. That is why I like this book. It shows a good person.

    At first I was worried that the story line was to classical, that it was an archetypal tale of a boy trying to win the hand of a princess. This was true, however, the story redeemed itself. The boys admirable quality, plus the light humor of the book, and the suspense of the plot more than made up for the old fashioned story line. The book did not depend on the old story line, it used it as a framework, and off of that framework a beautiful tale was developed.

    I am not exactly sure what type of genre this is, but i think I will call it a classical narrative.

    The drawings were pencil sketches done by the author herself. They simply expanded the story, they did not add much depth, but they did a great job of illustrating some of the details. For many of the details were ancient Chinese objects, like special plates, ceramics, math tools, and even rosewood trunks carried by the backs of elephants. I think the drawings were very helpful to new readers because if there was some object they did not already know about, then they could imagine it easily by looking at the pictures.

    Thats then end of the blog for today, overall, great book because it takes an old story line and pumps some good role model characteristics into it. Furthermore, I think I will use this book in a math lesson that I am making about algebra.

Thanks World!
Happy Reading


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